Five Ways AR Will Change the World

Imagine a world where digital content is all around us - from museums to the entertainment industry, major technology corporations such as Google, Sony, Qualcomm, PTC and Microsoft are betting that Augmented Reality will disrupt much of how we live our daily lives. Augmented Reality can be defined as super imposing the digital over the real world. Billions of dollars have been invested in this space as futurists hail this technology as the next major breakthrough in human interaction. This panel will speak on five ways that AR will change the world in the following categories: Museums, Entertainment, Travel, Education, and Gaming.

Awane Jones
Awane Jones, CEO and partner at Merchlar, is a thought leader in the field of digital marketing. His award-winning agency, Merchlar, specializes in augmented reality, virtual reality and 360° video...
Show the restJay Wright
Jay Wright is vice president and general manager for Vuforia at PTC, Inc. In this role, Wright is responsible for developing and driving PTC's augmented reality commercialization strategy. In this ...
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Troed Sangberg
Head of Partner Outreach, Sony Developer Program
Troed Sångberg is heading up Partner Outreach at the Sony Developer Program. With a core technical background in the home computer scene of the 80s he’s been a professional telecom developer since ...
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