SavePoint: A Discussion on the Gaming Community

This session will focus on the current social/political landscape in the gaming community, the journalistic integrity of gaming’s journalists, and the ever-changing gaming community, video game development, and their future. We will encourage honest critique and open dialogue between panelists and audience members, and will attempt to create a space where we can all speak on the social-political issues.

Lynn Walsh
Investigative Journalist
Society of Professional Journalists
Lynn Walsh is an Emmy award-winning journalist who has been working in investigative journalism at the national level as well as locally in California, Ohio, Texas and Florida. Currently she leads ...
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Nick Robalik
Head of Dev
Pixel Metal
My professional career spans over 15 years of Art & Creative Direction in the advertising and marketing industries, including work for Audi, Coca-Cola, Google, M&M’s, MasterCard and Samsung.
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Perry Jones
The Open Gaming Society
I'm the Founder of and President of the Open Gaming Society. I've played games since the age of 6 and hope to someday make a career of making them. I love this industry with all my heart and want t...
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