Shifting the Power for Lasting Change
Tech is transforming incentives for organizations and governments and changing the structure of power through greater transparency and accountability. As organizations and elected officials continue to realize that online consumer and political movements are directly impacting their intiatives and their votes, we will see more widespread and deeper participation between citizens and the institutions that impact their lives.
In this session, we will have an open discussion about how tech companies can help to democractize democracy and explore case studies of digital strategies that have moved the rock and shifted power.
Katie Nelson
New Dir
The Huffington Post
Katie Nelson is news director of The Huffington Post, where she helps lead coverage and strategy — with a special emphasis on social impact and audience empowerment. Launched in 2005, The Huffingto...
Show the restMike Jones
Deputy Managing Dir of North America
Michael Jones is the Deputy Managing Director for North America at, where he oversees a team of people who work closely with petition starters -- providing them coaching on how to tell t...
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