Connecting at SXSW: The Business of Friendships

SXSW Interactive has over 35,000 registrants and hundreds of sessions. With so much going on, how can you make a true connection? The key to making true connections during the event and beyond is friendship. When you want to purchase a product and your friend has the item or something similar don't you ask them? If a friend has a great idea you would sit down and listen to them before a stranger. This session will discuss how to take networking to the next level with fun and meaningful interactions that increases your networking reach. Making friendships with the people you make at SXSW today could be with the person who will help your business tomorrow. Friends help friends over strangers.

Justin Esgar
Entrepreneurial Consultant
Appitalize On Your Idea
Justin Esgar was born with an iPad in one hand and a patent list in the other. Successful serial entrepreneur, certified Apple consultant and software developer, Justin revels in making life bette...
Show the restSweet John Muehlbauer
Special Projects & Mktg
Rocksauce Studios
Since 1997 "Sweet John" has been discovering the wonders of the SXSW Conference and Festival. Having experienced many aspects of the conference from being a volunteer, staffer, and registrant he is...
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