Pimp My Brain: A Crash Course in DIY Brainhacking
We actively optimize our software, our workflows, our companies, and yet when it comes to the most intimate resource of our own minds, we remain decades behind currently available technologies. From the multi-billion dollar self-help industry to the local coffee shop, we dedicate remarkable resources to promises of mental enhancement. However, recent advances in brain mapping and neurostimulation enable an entirely new way to increase our mental potential based on bleeding edge neuroscience research. This session will provide a crash course and demonstration of the DIY technologies available for hacking your brain, with a judicious assessment of the promises and risks.
Cameron Craddock
Nathan S Kline Institute For Psychiatric Research

Daniel Margulies
Group Leader
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
I am a neuroscientist with a background in the humanities. My work consists of basic neuroanatomy that explores how connectivity within the cerebral cortex is organized, as well as ongoing collabor...
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