#SCIENCE: A Revolution in Science Communication

Last year, NASA made history and flew past Pluto for the very first time. The New Horizons spacecraft slowly streamed the first image of Pluto’s surface back to Earth - and NASA released it on Instagram. Science has gone viral, and as a result, we’re changing how we talk about, think about, and actually do science. National Geographic digital news director Laura Helmuth, NASA Goddard social media team lead Aries Keck, former Science digital strategist Meghna Sachdev, and Reddit r/science moderator Nathan Allen are here to talk about how social media is changing science and science communication, what that means, and why you should care.

Laura Helmuth
Science & Health Editor
National Geographic
Laura Helmuth is the director of digital news for National Geographic, based in Washington, D.C., and the incoming president of the National Association of Science Writers. She was previously the s...
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Meghna Sachdev
Digital Strategist
Meghna is a digital strategy consultant at PwC. She joined PwC from Science, the world's leading scientific journal, where she worked as a senior digital strategist and developed new digital engage...
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Nathan Allen
Moderator & Scientist
Reddit & ANGUS
Head Moderator and Organizer of the Science AMA Series on Reddit.com (not an employee of Reddit)
Global Home and Personal Care R&D Leader, ANGUS Chemical Company