Protecting Your Inventions from Foreign Knockoffs

Great inventions create great demand. But it’s not always from customers. Your innovative idea might also pique the interest of established competitors or overseas manufacturers who want to steal your ideas for their own financial gain. Come get advice from Deanna Tanner Okun, former Commissioner of the U.S. International Trade Commission, David Kappos, former Director U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, Kelly Slone, President and CEO BioUtah, and Bryan Pate, co-founder of ElliptiGO. Find out what you can do to protect your “secret sauce” from misappropriation and how to seek retaliation if you experience intellectual property infringement.

Bryan Pate
Co-Founder & CEO
Bryan Pate is a named inventor on more than 20 issued patents. Fast Company Magazine named his company, ElliptiGO Inc., the 6th most innovative fitness company in the world. Pate is a graduate of S...
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David Kappos
Partner, Corporate; & Former Dir of the USPTO
Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
David J. Kappos is a partner at Cravath. He is a leader in the field of intellectual property, including IP management and strategy, the development of global IP norms, laws and practices as well ...
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Deanna Tanner Okun
Adduci Mastriani & Schaumberg LLP
Deanna Tanner Okun is a partner at Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg LLP. She has extensive experience as a top administrator, regulator, enforcer, legislative aide, and lawyer. Deanna served as a mem...
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Kelly Slone
Pres & CEO
Kelly Slone is the current President and CEO of BioUtah where she is responsible for elevating the statue and influence of Utah's life sciences ecosystem by creating value for its members, fosterin...
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