1 + 2 = Blue: The Science of Color in Film

One filmmaker. One neuroscientist. One colourist. One brave soul strapped to biosensors, delivering live data visualizations of body and mind.
How does colour affect us, and how do filmmakers use colour to alter our perception, emotion, and cognition? Mill ECD Rama Allen, filmmaker, will speak about the influence of colour on his and others' work. Dr. Bevil Conway, neuroscientist and visual artist, will speak about the science of colour and how visual psychophysics impact artists and audiences. Mikey Rossiter, Mill Colourist, will share his perspective as an artist and provide insight into his process while one viewer's biometrics are captured and visualized on-stage.

Bevil Conway
Assoc Professor of Neuroscience (Wellesley College) & Principal Research Scientist (MIT)
C/O The Mill Group
Bevil Conway is an artist and neuroscientist. His work investigates the relationship between visual processing, visual art, perception, cognition, art practice, and art history. He is a leading exp...
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Mikey Rossiter
The Mill
Mikey Rossiter is a Colourist at The Mill's New York studio.
His ability to collaborate alongside Directors and DoP's to translate a shared vision on to film has seen Mikey work with Google, Co...
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Rama Allen
Exec Creative Dir
The Mill
I direct, concept and consult on film, digital and experience design projects. I seek out inventive applications of The Mill's expertise and lead multi-disciplinary groups of writers, designers, an...
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