Looking Forward to Rush Hour: Future of Transit

As the world grapples with the social and environmental impacts of transit, new design solutions that seemed incredible just a few years ago are now drawing very close to reality. This panel will explore some of the most provocative and exciting ideas and trends in transportation design, with expert panelists drawing on experiences designing Autonomous Cars and the ubiquitous Hyperloop to give the audience a view of what to expect in coming months.

Chipp Walters
Exec Dir
Altuit Design
Walters is an Industrial Designer who's as comfortable designing/coding software as concept designing next generation products. Early in his career, he was fortunate to co-found and CEO the Industr...
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Dan Doorley
Dan Doorley is a long-term automotive enthusiast, product designer and serial entrepreneur. He founded and was CEO of EDGE, an award winning international design consultancy focusing on advancing ...
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