How to Fight Modern Slavery with Data Analysis
Human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world, a booming $150 billion industry that entraps an estimated 20.9 people worldwide. Many of its victims hide in plain sight—but hard evidence of trafficking can be difficult to pin down. The key to bankrupting this business may be buried online, hiding amongst the data captured by many companies every day. In this session, experts will discuss how they have discovered small indicators lurking in big data to help identify human traffickers and how tech firms, financial companies, and law enforcement can work together to bring them to justice.

Courtney Bowman
Privacy & Civil Liberties Engineer
Courtney Bowman is a lead of Palantirʼs in-house Privacy and Civil Liberties team, with extensive experience working with local government (including law enforcement, criminal justice, health and s...
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Elisa Massimino
Pres & CEO
Human Rights First
Elisa Massimino is President and Chief Executive Officer of Human Rights First, one of the nation’s leading human rights advocacy organizations. Established in 1978, Human Rights First’s mission is...
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Jacqueline Molnar
SVP/Chief Compliance Officer
Western Union
Jacqueline D. Molnar is Senior Vice President, Chief Compliance Officer at Western Union in Denver, Colorado. In Jacqueline’s twenty years of experience as an attorney and compliance officer, she h...
Show the restJohn Temple
Chief Human Trafficking Response Unt
New York County District Attorney's Office
John Temple graduated from Brooklyn Law School in 2003 and in that same year became Assistant District Attorney for the New York County District Attorney’s Office. After serving eight years as Assi...
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