Presented by: Knight Foundation
Traditional’s and New Media's Impact on the 2016 Election
The media landscape has changed dramatically since the last presidential election in 2012. YouTube stars now top the list of influencers among teenagers according to Variety and the Pew Research Center found that over 61% of millennials get their news from Facebook. Digital media properties such as Buzzfeed, Vox, Vice, and The Young Turks have become part of the daily routine for many consumers of news.
Yet traditional media still possess tremendous power and influence with access to candidates, dominance of the political ad spend, and control of election narratives.
What are the different roles, responsibilities, and impact of traditional and digital media on the 2016 Election?

Cenk Uygur
The Young Turks
Cenk Uygur is the host and founder of The Young Turks, the largest online news show in the world, and CEO of the TYT Network.
TYT Network online has a verified global audience of more than 99 mi...
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Christina Bellantoni
Asst Managing Editor/Politics
Los Angeles Times
Christina Bellantoni has been assistant managing editor, politics since August 2015. She came to the Los Angeles Times after 12 years covering politics in Washington, most recently as editor-in-chi...
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Jeanmarie Condon
Sr Exec Producer, Content & Dev
ABC News
Jeanmarie Condon is the Senior Executive Producer of Content and Development for ABC news. Jeanmarie develops a range of special projects and series for broadcast, digital and cable, focusing on aw...
Show the restShelley Venus
Exec Producer Video