Consumer Reports: What’s Our Health Data Worth?
Personal health data is a hot commodity—both to people who want to improve healthcare and those looking to cash in. In this panel, a Consumer Reports editor asks leading experts in health IT, privacy research, the online patient community, and consumer advocacy to illuminate the concept of “good” and “bad” data-sharing. Hear their solutions for balancing individuals' right to privacy with profound opportunities to serve the public good, advance science & innovation, and achieve a more effective health-care system. Takeaways include ideas for new regulations, systems, and best practices, plus actions we can all take to manage our valuable health data more responsibly.

Lucia Savage, JD
Chief Privacy Officer
US Dept Of Health And Human Services
Appointed Chief Privacy Officer at Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, Department of Health & Human Services in October 2014, Lucia Savage has been working on heal...
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Lygeia Ricciardi
Digital Health & Consumer Engagement Expert
Clear Voice Consulting
Lygeia Ricciardi is an expert and thought leader in consumer engagement and digital health. Her consulting practice focuses on helping companies from large multinationals to start ups position them...
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Sally Okun
VP Policy & Patient Safety
Patients Like Me
Sally Okun is the Vice President for Advocacy, Policy and Patient Safety at PatientsLikeMe in Cambridge, MA. She is responsible for the company's patient advocacy initiatives; she participates and ...
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Teresa Carr
Sr Editor, Consumer Reports Best Buy Drugs
Consumer Reports