The Myth of the Family Tech Market

If you're selling to the "family" tech market, you have a problem: it's actually three markets. How to handle technology and screen time is the great parenting divide of our time -- and both businesses and parents need to navigate the profound differences between parents who limit their kids' access to tech, parents who enable it, and parents who mentor their kids online.
Learn about the differences between these three markets -- and parenting styles -- in a session based on a new study of thousands of North American parents. Find out what limiters, enablers and mentors buy, and what they want from apps and gadgets. And learn how your brand (or family) can navigate this sharp divide.

Alexandra Samuel
Tech Researcher
Social Signal
Alexandra Samuel is a technology researcher, speaker and writer. The author of Work Smarter with Social Media (Harvard Business School Press, 2015), she writes on technology and business for the Wa...
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