Using Data to Power Criminal Justice Reform
For the past year, Sunlight Foundation has been cataloging the nation's criminal justice data and creating a unique comprehensive resource to better understand what data we have--and, perhaps more importantly, what we don’t.
Together with representatives of other projects surfacing criminal justice data, this panel will explore how more and better access to this information can help to empower a wide range of people working to improve our broken criminal justice system.

Bryn Phillips
Exec Dir
Bryn Phillips
Director of Communications & Special Projects
Mission: Launch, Inc.
Bryn Phillips serves as the Director of Communications & Special Projects for Mission: Launch, Inc. Additiona...
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Jenn Topper
Comms Dir
Sunlight Foundation
Jenn Topper is the communications director for the Sunlight Foundation working at the intersection of politics, technology and the public interest. She leads efforts to promote Sunlight's work and ...
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Justin Erlich
Special Asst Attorney General
California Department of Justice
Justin Erlich serves as Special Assistant Attorney General to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. He is the Attorney General’s principal advisor on technology and data. He oversees the De...
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Rebecca Brown
Dir of Policy
The Innocence Project
Rebecca Brown is the Innocence Project's Policy Director. Rebecca joined the Innocence Project in 2005 and directs its federal and state policy agenda, which is aimed at both revealing & preventing...
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