Copyright and Creators: 2026

What does the future hold for copyright? Who are the gatekeepers and how does this power structure need to change to meet not only the needs of today’s digital age, but also the needs of future creativity and innovation? The Copyright & Creators: 2026 panel will speculate on where the innovations and advancements will be in 2026. Will our laws keep pace with the times or fall behind? And how will people continually interact with copyright? Moderated by a veteran reporter, panelists include a respected academic, a noted futurist and a fan fiction leader who will debate the trajectory of copyright law and where some of the future conversations and conflicts will be a decade from now.

Alexandra Mogyoros
Doctoral Student/Futurist
University of Oxford
Alexandra Mogyoros, JD, BCL (Oxon) is currently a doctoral student at the University of Oxford, Faculty of Law. Alexandra's research focuses on issues that arise within and at the intersections of ...
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Betsy Rosenblatt
Assoc Professor & Dir Center for Intellectual Property Law
Whittier Law School
Betsy Rosenblatt (221Betsy) has practiced and taught intellectual property law for over 15 years. She is an Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Intellectual Property Law at Whittier...
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Jon Healey
Editorial Writer
Los Angeles Times
Jon Healey is a member of the editorial board at the Los Angeles Times, which means he is one of a nameless, faceless group writing screeds that, technically speaking, reflect the views of the publ...
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Lateef Mtima
Professor of Law
Howard University School of Law
Lateef Mtima Biographical Sketch
Lateef Mtima is a Professor of Law at the Howard University School of Law. After graduating with honors from Amherst College, Professor Mtima received his J.D. d...
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