Ephemeral Now: How Streaming Changed Listening
As music has changed from a physical product to a service, it has dramatically changed how fans listen to music. There's been a massive increase in the amount and the diversity of listening. And it's made listening so much easier, so that a fan can imbed listening throughout their lives. But with the mass of listening, it's also become much more fleeting. Music flows in and out of a fans life with increasing regularity, leading to a more ephemeral experience. Our panel of experts will look at this trend and consider how these changes are affecting the fan, the artists and the music providers.

Andrew Jervis
Chief Curator
As Bandcamp's Chief Curator Andrew Jervis is host of the Bandcamp Weekly show and lead outreach to labels and artists on the site. Over the past 20+ years he has run the independent Ubiquity Record...
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Jon Maples
Music Industry Analyst & Blogger
Jon Maples combines extensive experience in content creation, programming and management with a proven track record of building digital audiences to help brands, publications and organizations achi...
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Kyle Bylin
User Researcher & Music Industry Podcast Host
Music Biz Podcast
Kyle Bylin is a user researcher and trade journalist, who specializes in music streaming services and consumer behavior trends. He is the author of “Promised Land: Youth Culture, Disruptive Startup...
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Marisol Segal
VP Industry Rel & Mktg
Marisol Segal is a Los Angeles native with more than 20 years experience in the music industry. She started her career on the label and management side and in 2005, moved to San Francisco where she...
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