How to Ask for Money: Know Your Worth, Get Paid
Women make .77 for every $1 made by their male counterparts. The pay gap is even greater for African American and Latina women. That’s a fact. So how do women advocate and ask for money? How does one negotiate a raise? Seek out investors...especially when it may feel uncomfortable or downright unsafe to ask? editor Leah Chernikoff will lead a panel with co-founder of Indiegogo Danae Ringelmann, founder of Julep Cosmetics Jane Park and founder of Black Girls Code Kimberly Bryant, on the challenges women face today in asking for more money in their careers and businesses and offer up solutions to advocate for more equal pay.
Danae Ringelmann
Chief Dev Officer & Co-Founder
Jane Park
Founder & CEO
Julep Beauty Inc

Kimberly Bryant
Founder & Exec Dir
Black Girls CODE
Kimberly Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization dedicated to introducing girls of color (ages 7-17) to the field of technology and computer prog...
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Leah Chernikoff
Hearst Magazines Digital Media