Your Brain on Virtual Reality
Neuroscientists have recently discovered the basis of the brain's "GPS system," yet much work remains in understanding why it fails in Alzheimer's disease and how to restore and improve it. Virtual reality and projective devices have the ability to simulate or augment immersive experiences of navigation through space. VR tools, in the hands of neuroscientists, have a tremendous potential to shed light on brain mechanisms of spatial navigation and to compensate for neurological deficits. This panel brings together experts from both VR/video game design and brain/neurostimulation research, to discuss the current frontier and future directions of spatial navigation R&D.
Aaron Lemke
Unello Design
Aaron is an VR designer and musician from Austin, TX. He is a cofounder of Axon Virtual Health, which creates virtual reality applications for patient use in clinical settings, and seeks to explore...
Show the restBrian McCann
Visualization Interfaces & Applications
UT Austin
Brian McCann has been using virtual reality as a tool to study human perception for over a decade. His doctoral work, "Naturalistic Depth Perception," is the first study to quantify distance acuity...
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Kelly Gaither
Dir Of Visualization
The University of Texas at Austin
Kelly joined TACC as Associate Director in September 2001. She is now the Director of Visualization. She received her doctoral degree in Computational Engineering from Mississippi State University ...
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Zoltan Nadasdy
Research Scientist & Adjunct Professor
St David's Neuroscience and Spine Institute
Zoltan Nadasdy is a research scientist whose main interest is to understand the fundamental mechanisms of neural coding, in particular the relationship between intrinsic oscillations and spike patt...
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