Rethinking Healthcare Through Design Thinking
Design and Health have traditionally been odd bedfellows. Design is often thought of as an “aesthetic” discipline, whereas the healthcare industry is perceived to be as cold as it sounds. But the business of health is plagued by inefficiency and ineffectiveness, and design-thinking offers possibilities for addressing many of its difficulties. This panel will feature a nationally recognized health design leader to lay out the landscape of problems facing healthcare, and he will demonstrate how creativity and design can address - and have addressed - those challenges.

Betsy Fields
Sr Lead
Betsy Fields is a senior lead at IDEO London, and largely focused on IDEO's health & wellness portfolio. Her work has informed the design of a wide range of products, services, and experiences, ans...
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Stacey Chang
Exec Dir
Design Institute for Health at the Dell Medical School
Stacey Chang serves as the Executive Director of the Design Institute for Health, a collaboration between the Dell Medical School and the College of Fine Arts at the University of Texas at Austin. ...
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