Version 2.0: Bringing New Life to Old Health Tech

Frozen in time for decades, the stethoscope, inhaler, and pulse oximeter are finally getting an upgrade. Entrepreneurs from around the globe are creating new and improved tools with increased functionality and 21st century design to transform patient care. These innovators will discuss why doctors and patients need to adopt version 2.0 of traditional tools and what the future of the space will look like.

David Soleymani
Dr. A. David Soleymani received his undergraduate degree from Indiana University in Bloomington. He then completed his medical education at Indiana University School of Medicine, followed by reside...
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Joseph Habboushe MD
Co-Founder & CEO
Dr. Joe Habboushe is Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. In addition to being Co-Founder and CEO of Stethos, he is one of two physicians who co-founded the popu...
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Melissa Manice PhD
CEO & Co-Founder
StartUp Health
Dr. Manice affirms that Cohero Health grew out of her career in academic clinical medicine, out of her passion to build the solution rather spend a lifetime studying the problem. She has a PhD in C...
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Sandeep Pulim
Point Of Care
Sandeep Pulim, MD is the Chief Medical Information Officer at @PointofCare, Advisor at HealtXL, and Venture partner/Co-Founder of LiftOff Health. He most recently co-founded Health Recovery Solutio...
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