WiFi in Jeopardy: Losing the Signal
Wi-Fi gives us access to the Internet wherever we are, without being tied down by a wire. As long as there’s access to a Wi-Fi router, we’re free to connect throughout our homes, schools, businesses, libraries and even whole communities. And with more users connecting daily, Wi-Fi is at a critical inflection point. Without policies to protect and promote Wi-Fi's continued growth, consumers could be facing slow speeds and spotty access, forcing them to resort back to Ethernet cords or paying for more mobile data in order to connect. Attendees will hear from FCC Commissioners Jessica Rosenworcel and Michael O’Rielly as they discuss what policies are needed to save our Wi-Fi.

Bill Maguire
Campaign Dir
WifiForward's Save Our Wi-Fi
Bill Maguire represents WifiForward, a broad coalition of technology companies, communications providers, trade associations and public interest groups. WifiForward works to alleviate the Wi-Fi sp...
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Jessica Rosenworcel
Federal Communications Commission
Jessica Rosenworcel was nominated for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission by President Barack Obama and on May 7, 2012 was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate. Commissione...
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Michael O'Rielly
Federal Communications Commission
Michael O’Rielly was nominated for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission by President Barack Obama on August 1, 2013 and was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate on October 2...
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