We Need More Mischief and Whimsy

We need more mischief in this world of perfectly-shot hot dog legs and my-life-is-so-perfect status updates. Where is the Monty Python of mobile or the South Park of social?
Whimsy, humour and mischief are all incredibly powerful ways to grab people's attention. From Medium's brilliant release notes to ridiculous 404 pages right through to Cat Facts apps or shipping your enemies glitter, people are starting to see the massive engagement that making someone smile can deliver.
This session will look at concrete examples of whimsical UI and UX, mischief in marketing and look at how people are using humour as a means of user acquisition, engagement and retention.

Eamonn Carey
Eamonn Carey is an advisor, mentor and occasional investor in startups and accelerators around Europe and the MENA region.
In the past, Eamonn started, succeeded and failed with several startups...
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