Androids and Future Life

We, humans, have an innate brain function to recognize humans. Therefore, very humanlike robots, androids, can be ideal information media for human-robot/computer interactions. In the near future, the use of humanlike robots will increase.
To realize a robot society, the speaker has developed various types of interactive robots and androids. Geminoid, a tele-operated android of an existing person can transmit the presence of the operator to the distant place. However, the geminoid is not the ideal medium for everybody. People enjoy talking to Telenoids.
In this talk, the speaker discusses the design principles for the robots and their effects on conversations with humans.
Courtney Goodson
Emcee & Entertainer
American Honey Bee Protection Agency

Hiroshi Ishiguro
Osaka University
Hiroshi Ishiguro received a D.Eng. in systems engineering from the Osaka University, Japan in 1991. He is currently Professor in the Department of Systems Innovation at the Graduate School of Engin...
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