Ultimate Empathy Machine: 360 Storytelling in VR

The VR industry has seen explosive growth over the past couple of years, with companies like Oculus and Valve consumer VR headsets in 2016. While there a number of companies are tackling the VR hardware problem, there simply isn't enough content to support all of these devices. 360 video is an efficient and effective way to create content for VR, and we're seeing a new medium for storytelling emerge before our eyes. Join our panel of VR storytelling pioneers as we discuss the advantages, challenges, tradeoffs and techniques of working in this new medium. Hear from our successes and failures so that you may leave inspired to succeed in this new medium.

Andrey Doronichev
Prod Mgr for VR Apps
I’m a software product guy. I lead the Product Management team for VR software at Google.
I grew up in Moscow, founded a mobile content company, decided to leave Russia, sold the company, packed...
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Austin Mace
CEO & Founder
Austin Mace is CEO & founder of SubVRsive, an Austin TX based startup specializing in telling stories in virtual reality. Austin has pioneered new ways of telling stories in VR, creating the worlds...
Show the restJim Geduldick
Cinema, Broadcast & Photo Marketing Mgr at GoPro

Sarah Hill
Chief Storyteller
Story Up Studios VR
Chief Storyteller & Founder, StoryUP VR. Former interactive news anchor at KOMU-TV with more than 20 years in broadcasting. StoryUP is a VR Journalism startup supported by a separate brand studio t...
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