Massive Online Experiments: Practical Advice

Social media, content, and commerce sites continually experiment on their users to improve products and services. Yet occasionally these experiments backfire as seen in the Facebook emotional contagion study (2014) or Amazon’s alleged price discrimination experiments. This panel brings together experts from academia and industry to reflect on the lessons learned from both quiet successes and dramatic failures to offer you practical advice on how to design and conduct online experiments to improve your sites without upsetting your customers or gaining unwanted negative publicity.

Duncan Watts
Principal Researcher
Microsoft Research
Duncan Watts is a principal researcher at Microsoft Research and an AD White Professor at Large at Cornell University. Prior to joining MSR in 2012, he was from 2000-2007 a professor of Sociology a...
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Elizabeth Churchill
Dir of UX
Elizabeth Churchill is a Director of User Experience at Google focusing on the design and development of devices and developer tools for the connected ecosystems of the Social Web and Internet of T...
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Jeff Hancock
Stanford University
Jeff Hancock is a Professor in the Department of Communication at Stanford University. Professor Hancock works on understanding psychological and interpersonal processes in social media. He special...
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Joseph Konstan
Association for Computing Machinery