Hacking for Healing: MedTech and Chronic Disease

Chronic disease is at epidemic levels, affecting half of US adults. An increasing number track their lives to understand symptoms and guide treatments. But because tracking does not provide personalized insights, research shows many people abandon their health apps and wearables in a matter of months. Four experts will discuss their platforms, research, and deep experience to give chronic disease patients new ways to think about managing their health -- shifting from precision medicine to precision prevention. Results from a pre-SXSW survey of "quantified self" tracking among healthy and chronic disease participants will kickoff an interactive conversation among participants and panelists.

Dr Bonnie Feldman
Chief Growth Officer
As principal of DrBonnie360, Bonnie Feldman, DDS, MBA brings a triple lens to her consulting, writing and speaking- that of an entrepreneurial dentist, a Wall Street analyst and a digital health an...
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Linda Avey
Co-Founder & CEO
We Are Curious Inc
The age of 'precision' healthcare, where an individual's personal metrics are used to target therapy and design preventive recourse, is still in its infancy, but Linda helped push it forward. In 20...
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Nicole Guthrie
Mgr of Research & Dev
Nicole Guthrie is a manager on the Research and Development team at HopeLab, a nonprofit that studies resilience as part of a strategy to design products that support the psychological and biologic...
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Poonacha Machaiah
Co-Founder & CEO
Poonacha Machaiah has over 20 years of global experience as a successful serial entrepreneur and business leader in Fortune 100 companies. Poonacha is among the new breed of emerging social entrepr...
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