What You Can Learn from Data Science in Politics

As the Chief Analytics Officer of Obama's 2012 campaign, Dan Wagner (now founder and CEO of Civis Analytics) and his team are known as the whiz kids who re-engineered politics by using data to construct the most accurate voter targeting models and increase voter participation. These models predicted the election in realtime more accurately than any other poll so Obama could make daily decisions on where to invest time and money. Fast forward to today and we have even more possibilities when it comes to data and how it can be used to make data-driven decisions. Dan will share key learnings from political campaigns, how data is used today and how you can use the data to make smarter decisions.

Dan Wagner
Founder & CEO
Civis Analytics
Dan Wagner is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder of Civis Analytics, a data science technology and advisory firm in Chicago. Dan manages company strategy and product development.
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