David & Goliath: Thriving as Independent Promoters
In the concert business, aggressive consolidation has changed the landscape for independent promoters, who now face not one but two corporate super-promoters and the rise of Major Festivals as competition for nearly every show they book. But somehow, independent concert promoters continue to build their brands, open venues, and curate new festivals - not only surviving, but thriving, by keeping their finger on the pulse and focusing on the human element.
Some of the country's best independent promoters will discuss how they're keeping their calendars full and how they compete in a business where they'll never have enough cash flow to hang with the big guns.
Alexandra Maxwell
Talent Buyer
Mike Barsch
Owner/Talent Buyer
Soda Jerk Presents

Nate Dorough
Fusion Shows
Nate Dorough is president and talent buyer of Fusion Shows, an independent promotion company in Michigan, which recently became a division of The Crofoot Presents. He also produces Bled Fest each ...
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Stephen Chilton
Owner/Talent Buyer
Psyko Steve Presents/The Rebel Lounge
I promote the best fucking concerts in Arizona. Trust a Psyko and come see a show that will blow your mind!