Cultural Placemaking Through Interactive Storytelling
Saturday, March 14
3:30PM - 5:00PM
Carver Museum Boyd Vance Theater
Boyd Vance Theater
1165 Angelina St

In this fun and interactive workshop, heritage and preservation will be juxtaposed with interactive storytelling. Every community has its stories, its history and its legacy that we want to pass on. Austin's African American Cultural Heritage District is an area of Austin rich in history and culture, but whose stories are often overlooked or not known in the rapidly growing Austin and gentrification of the neighborhood.
We will demonstrate our new interactive Discover Heritage Map which we collaboratively produce interactive multi-media with local middle school students. The session will demonstrate how interactive media and community projects connect to students' own stories and help create living history in a rapidly changing city. Local students who composed music, produced documentaries and animated films will be part of a panel discussion. Hear what we've done so far and share your ideas for future development in a fun and interactive workshop.
Lisa Byrd
Exec Dir
African American Cultural Heritage District
Matthew Gossage
Project Mgr
African American Cultural Heritage District
Matt Gossage is a documentary and multi-media producer in Austin, TX. He is Project Manager for the African American Cultural Heritage District on their Discover Heritage Map. He is currently pro...
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