2015 Schedule
Interactive: March 13–17  •  Film: March 13–21  •  Music: March 17–22

#OurTimeToLead: Why Tech Needs More Women

Tuesday, March 17
11:00AM - 12:00PM

Austin Convention Center
Ballroom G
Austin Convention Center


Women currently make up about 25% of the technical workforce and earn about 18% of computer science degrees. It wasn't always that way. In the mid 80's women took home 37% of computer science degrees. What is going on? How do we change it? And why does it matter?

Find out why it is essential that more women pursue tech careers and more tech companies create inclusive environments where women can thrive.


#sxsw #TechWomen


Elizabeth Ames

VP Strategic Mktg & Alliances

Anita Borg Institute

Elizabeth is a passionate technology marketer who has held positions at Apple, Verifone, Netcentives, Vontu and countless other technology start-ups. Her commitment to see women at the table in te...

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Miller Lite Esurance AT&T IFC Mazda USA Monster Energy McDonalds logo CapitalOne logo PepsiCo logo Austin Chronicle

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Sonic Bids

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