Audio Drama in the 21st Century
What is it about old media that makes it so popular right now? How does it relate to new technology? In an age in which the entertainment industry seems only to be using known and popular content, how do you get original content out there? How do you even launch an indie project like this and have it penetrate the public consciousness?
Each of the panelists has made a career developing original content by exploring these very questions. If you're an indie creator looking to break out your idea using classic forms like audio drama or comic-books or if you're a fan of these forms, then this is the panel for you.
Buzz Moran
Foley Artist/Music Editor
Shamrock Records
Chris Cox
Site co-owner/Site Mgr
Jason Neulander
High Mucky-Muck
The Intergalactic Nemesis
Jason Neulander is the producer and a co-creator of The Intergalactic Nemesis, an indie transmedia project that takes the form of comic-books, audio drama, podcasts, YouTube series, and live theatr...
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