Diversity in STEM: Nurture or Nature

Was former Harvard President Larry Summers right when he said women lacked the innate ability to do science? And if so, how do you explain the underrepresentation of minorities – men and women – in STEM fields? Mounting research shows external factors are actually more at play. This panel features academic, industry, media and pop culture iconoclasts who are breaking down these barriers– including moderator Dr. Mae Jemison, the nation’s first female African American astronaut and Bayer's Making Science Make Sense science literacy advocate. Lindsey Shepard, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, GoldieBlox, on disrupting the “pink aisle” in toy stores with engineering toys for girls. Dr. Ran Libeskind Hadas, Chairman of the Computer Science Department, Harvey Mudd College, on how female coders are infiltrating Silicon Valley. Kimberly Bryant, founder and executive director, Black Girls CODE, who is working to bridge the digital divide. Presented by Bayer Corporation
Dr Mae Jemison
The Jemison Group Inc
Kimberly Bryant
Black Girls CODE
Kimberly Bryant is the Founder and Executive Director of Black Girls CODE, a non-profit organization dedicated to introducing girls of color (ages 7-17) to the field of technology and computer prog...
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VP Sales & Mktg
Lindsey Shepard was the first hire at GoldieBlox where she currently holds the title of Rainmaker and Resident Mom.
In her role as Vice President of Marketing and Sales at GoldieBlox, Lindsey faci...
Show the restRan Libeskind-Hadas
Computer Science Department Chair
Harvey Mudd College
Ran "RON" Libeskind-Hadas is the R. Michael Shanahan Professor at Harvey Mudd College where he also serves as the Department Chair. He previously served as Associate Dean of Faculty at Harvey Mudd ...
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