Screw Fuck No, Say Shit Yeah!

A follow up to last year's hugely popular 'How to Say Fuck No and Have Them Love You,' Ocupop Creative Director, Michael Nieling, shares the flip side of managing relationships, setting expectations, and weighing opportunities.
While 'Fuck No' focused on battling the culture of amateurism around design and leveraging the power of standing up and defending your decisions, 'Shit Yeah' is all about charging ahead when an opening presents itself and building the experience, expertise and entrepreneurial momentum vital to unleashing the full power of saying no...and yes.
This talk will offer a candid look at how a tiny agency headquartered in Milwaukee and Honolulu has managed to design some of the most influential logos, campaigns, and user interfaces on the web over the last fifteen years. Highlighting hard work, good luck, and relentless optimism while paying equal deference to charm, patience, and a healthy dose of bullshitting - Shit Yeah, is 2015's Fuck No but with more YOLO.
Michael Nieling
Creative Dir
Michael Nieling is a designer, educator, father, and full time spaz. He is the Creative Director at Ocupop and also teaches logo design at MIAD. Splitting time between studios in Hawaii, California...
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