The New Cathedral: Sports Stadiums

Sports. Technology. Culture. Together, these factors are converging to create America’s new cathedral: The modern stadium. While cathedrals used to be the icons of our cities, sports facilities have begun to overtake their role, serving as America’s new shared living rooms and taking on identities of their own, transcending the success of their teams. This shift is driving the need for a new experience — a sports facility for the future that is interactive, responsive and experiential — and that meets the needs of the next generation fan, who is more connected to technology and more interested in the social experience of the game than ever before. We will provide a window into the latest innovations in architecture that will impact the fan, the athlete and everyone in between over the coming two decades. Participants will get a look at the most progressive experiences currently being conceptualized and have an opportunity to contribute their ideas for the stadium of the future.
Brian Mirakian
Principal Dir of Populous Activate
Brian Mirakian serves as director of Populous Activate in the Americas and is a Principal at Populous. Populous Activate uses the power of design to link fans, brands, teams and properties by enhan...
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