First Release Hardware and IoT Meet Up
Remember show and tell from the old days? Love it when you are seeing something new for the first time and actually get to hold and feel the thing you are learning about for the first time? Well, at this special event, we'll see new, first-release hardware and Internet of Things (IoT) technology demoed in a show-and-tell style with audience interaction and the ability to touch and feel the technologies for the first time.
The technology at this showcase will either be making its very first debut or are within a few months of release and still in their first iteration. Come, participate, dive deep into the technology, interact with the inventors and be part of helping iterate new innovations to the next level.
Ronald Schmelzer
Chief Event Wrangler
Ron is a Parallel Entrepreneur, having started and sold a number of successful companies. The companies Ron has started and run have collectively employed over 300 people, raised over $60M in Ventu...
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