Beyond the Diversity Data: Strategies that Work

In 2014, the world’s leading tech companies released their workforce employment data for the first time, revealing just how vastly underrepresented people of color and women are in the sector. Nevertheless, the release of this data offered an important starting point to develop and carry out strategies to diversify the tech and entrepreneurship pipeline. This panel explores current and emergent efforts and thinking behind ways to create a tech sector that is led by and works for all.
Anitra Collins
Prog Mgr for Diversity & Inclusion
Freada Kapor Klein
Kapor Capital
Freada Kapor Klein, PhD, Co-chair, Kapor Center, is an entrepreneur, activist and leader in the field of organizational culture and diversity. Freada is a pioneer in developing models for revenue a...
Show the restLisa Lee
Diversity Program Mgr
Lisa Lee, diversity program manager, Pandora, spearheaded the creation of the company’s first diversity strategy and program. Prior to this, Lisa spent 7 years at Facebook and founded it's Asian Am...
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