ATTENTION: This session requires advance signup to attend. For Online Schedule: Please utilize the RSVP link below the description to reserve your seat. For SXSW GO App: Use the RSVP 'Find a Timeslot' link. You must have a SXSW Interactive, Gold, or Platinum badge to attend, and, you must have an activated SXsocial account ( to reserve a seat. If you have any issues with signing up, please email VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the limited space, we recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the published start time of this session. If you have not checked in at the room you RSVPed for at least five minutes prior to the session start time, you may lose your seat to an attendee in the waiting list line.
There are no hard prerequisites to this workshop, although participants who have managed site building projects before will benefit the most.
What to Bring:
There are no re...
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ATTENTION: This session requires advance signup to attend. For Online Schedule: Please utilize the RSVP link below the description to reserve your seat. For SXSW GO App: Use the RSVP 'Find a Timeslot' link. You must have a SXSW Interactive, Gold, or Platinum badge to attend, and, you must have an activated SXsocial account ( to reserve a seat. If you have any issues with signing up, please email VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the limited space, we recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the published start time of this session. If you have not checked in at the room you RSVPed for at least five minutes prior to the session start time, you may lose your seat to an attendee in the waiting list line.
There are no hard prerequisites to this workshop, although participants who have managed site building projects before will benefit the most.
What to Bring:
There are no required materials, although a laptop for trying things out and taking notes.
The goal of this workshop is to have the participants take away:
* What developer workflow (git, code review) techniques can make a larger project successful
* Techniques for coordinating teams that are geographical dispersed among different organizations
* What scaling and performance issues are more likely to arise in a larger project, and how to anticipate and plan for them
* Planning for a maintainable codebase
* What advanced project management issues might arise from a large Drupal project
Our rough syllabus will be 40 minute sections broken up by short breaks:
I. Discovery, Planning, and Project Management
II. Developer Workflow and team management
III. Performance, Scaling, and maintainability
IV. APIs, platforms, and other big project technical areas
V. Transitioning to long-term support or ongoing development
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