Activism At Its Best: Drive Supporters To Do More

Activism is motivated by personal and emotional connections we have to our communities, tribes and beliefs. It's a drive to want to effect change for the better. But are we as change leaders doing all we can to create forward progress that achieves real impact?
It's time we collectively take our digital advocacy programs beyond focusing on email acquisition to a broader movement. By cultivating relationships with activists and empowering a community of dedicated followers, you can achieve great success for both your organization and its mission. Hear from four organizations as they discuss what it means to build out campaigns that matter with calls to action that drive substantive work.
Hilary Gridley
Campaigns Mgr
As the environment campaigns specialist at, Hilary activates young people around the country to take action on environmental and animal welfare issues. She runs national cause campa...
Show the restLori Painter
Dir of Mrkg Engagement
Lori Painter oversees the advocacy, mobile marketing and email marketing programs for PETA. She combines her background in marketing and technology to make sure PETA’s more than 2M supporters are a...
Show the restPulin Modi
Sr Campaigner
Pulin Modi is a senior campaigner at His goal is to empower the platform’s users to run effective, inspiring campaigns on many issues including animals, the environment, health, and foo...
Show the restSara Thomas
Sr Strategist, Digital Advocacy
World Wildlife Fund
Sara Thomas leads the digital advocacy program for WWF-US. In her role, she develops and implements digital engagement strategies across platforms to drive activism for conservation. Under Sara’s l...
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