New Journalism: Black and White and Reddit All Over

The evolution of blogging has seen the medium move from outlets of a personal nature to a major source of online content, often with great notoriety and controversy. Today the genre faces an identity crisis, as the line has blurred between opinion writing, reporting, and paid content. Integrity often takes a backseat to earning a living, and journalistic standards are all but abandoned under the guise of platform ownership.
The blogger community is experiencing an internal backlash as many cry out for stronger guidelines and a movement toward integrity. Can the reputation of blogging be restored through more ethical writing policies and is it possible to be both credible and earn compensation for opinions?
This Core Conversation will explore the adversarial relationship between journalists and bloggers, focusing on ethics, integrity, and the current climate of content creation for news and entertainment.
Corrin Foster
Mktg Mgr
Oh Hey
As Marketing Manager at Greenleaf Book Group, Corrin Foster consults with authors on content development, personal branding, social media, and book launch strategies. She speaks regularly at publis...
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Founder, Creative Dir
Giant Squid Media
Kristin Sheppard is the owner and creative director of Giant Squid Media where she implements digital marketing, branding, SEO, and creates content for authors, small companies, and startups. Her p...
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