Social Media: Breaking News or Fixing News?
Have Facebook, Twitter and other similar platforms strengthened or weakened the overall ecosystem of journalism and publishing? This session features a panel of social media editors and journalists who will voice their views on the impact that social media platforms are having on news gathering, reporting and engaging audiences. Featuring: Kai Ryssdal, host, "Marketplace" Radio; Michael Roston, Social Media Editor, The New York Times; Alison Lichter, WSJ, Social Media Editor and Eric Carvin, AP Social Media Editor, Board member, Online News Association. Presented by The Knight Foundation
Allison Lichter
Social Media Editor
The Wall Street Journal
Allison Lichter is the Social Media Editor for The Wall Street Journal, overseeing the paper's social media engagement efforts.
Lichter was named social media editor for The Wall Street Journal i...
Show the restEric Carvin
Social Media Editor
Associated Press
Carvin is the Social Media Editor for the Associated Press in New York, overseeing the organization's social media efforts in journalism.
Carvin previously was a news editor for the now defunct a...
Show the restKai Ryssdal
Host, "Marketplace"
Kai Ryssdal has been the host and senior editor of Marketplace, public radio’s program on business and the economy, since 2005. He joined American Public Media in 2001 as the host of Marketplace Mo...
Show the restMichael Roston
Sr Staff Editor Social Media
The New York Times
Roston is a Staff Editor overseeing Social Media for The New York Times online.
Roston was named a social media producer in June 2012. Roston joined The New York Times as a homepage producer in S...
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