It Is Not Racist to Consider Race in Marketing
Over the past century, the conversation about race in the USA has changed drastically. So much so, that it’s considered “polite” to proclaim that “one does not see race.” While this statement comes from well-meaning people intending to say they do not prefer or hold in higher esteem one skin color over another, it has an unintended opposite meaning in a business context.
Of course we see race – and the reality is that with each country of origin, primary language, acculturation level and skin tone, comes a slew of behaviors, traditions and preferences. Marketers must recognize that the monolithic races of yesterday no longer describe the diversity that today’s New Mainstream.
Cesar M. Melgoza, CEO of Geoscape, created the most sophisticated way to discover America’s multicultural characteristics. In this presentation, he will discuss key strategies brands must understand and use in order to successfully propel their marketing efforts.
Cesar Melgoza
CEO & Founder
César M. Melgoza is founder and CEO of Geoscape, an automated intelligence system which provides unique data products and analytic services for companies seeking to tap into the growth of new mains...
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