The Rise of the Social Robot

ATTENTION: This session requires advance signup to attend. For Online Schedule: Please utilize the RSVP link below the description to reserve your seat. For SXSW GO App: Use the RSVP 'Find a Timeslot' link. You must have a SXSW Interactive, Gold, or Platinum badge to attend, and, you must have an activated SXsocial account ( to reserve a seat. If you have any issues with signing up, please email VERY IMPORTANT: Because of the limited space, we recommend you arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the published start time of this session. If you have not checked in at the room you RSVPed for at least five minutes prior to the session start time, you may lose your seat to an attendee in the waiting list line.
The early 21st century saw the first wave of companionable social robots. They were small cute pets like AIBO, Pleo, and Paro. As robotics become more sophisticated, thanks largely to the s...
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Alex Reben
Founder & CEO
Andra Keay
Founder & GM
Robot Launch/Silicon Valley Robotics
Andra Keay is Managing Director of Silicon Valley Robotics, founder of Robot Launchpad and cofounder of Robot Garden, a new robotics hackerspace. Andra is also a core member of Robohub, the global ...
Show the restMark Stephen Meadows
Geppetto Labs
Mark is always at the forefront of the next big wave. From the third dot-com, developed in 1993, to working in the labs where Siri was invented, to now developing avatars that sense, think and feel...
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