How Potato Salad Killed/Saved Crowdfunding

It started out humbly, simply and innocently like so many other crowdfunding projects. Zack’s goal was to raise $10.00 to make some potato salad on the popular online funding platform, Kickstarter. What happened next was the stuff of crowdfunding dreams. Zack not only surpassed his original goal, but within weeks, raised $60,000 from pledges by more than 6,000 people.
Reactions from many across social media ranged from disgust—as to why people would choose to fund something so frivolous, to delight—as people fell in love with the fanciful nature of the project. No matter which side you were on, we all agreed that this story marked a shift in the landscape of crowdfunding.
Join our panel of leaders from top crowd funding platforms and projects as they dissect the future of crowdfunding for nonprofits, for profits and individuals; explore why projects like this one are good/bad for fundraisers; and what this shift in crowdfunding means for your next project.