From Digital Sharecropping to Data Emancipation

Join us as we turn the lenses of art, technology and futures on the world of digital sharecropping and personal data freedom. Clicks, likes, spending, location, social circles, brands, driving speed, medical maladies…the intimate details of our physical and online lives are being harvested, aggregated and analyzed in the name of corporate profits. We are digital sharecroppers in the connected world. But what if we, “the users” could take back our data? What if it turns into a big data party with an ecosystem of apps where normal folks benefit? Forward-thinking companies large and small will be the ones to share all the data collected with their users. Social pressure will reward those who authentically share data with their customers, and punish companies who stubbornly stay silent and stalk their users for profit. A data artist, a futurist, a technologist and a policy maker will explore how we turn this upside down and propose a completely different data privacy future.
Gene Becker
Sr Dir UX Technology
Samsung Research America
Gene Becker (@genebecker) is Sr Director of UX Technology & Strategy at Samsung, developing next-generation experiences for mobile humans. Previously at HP laboratories, Gene led research in contex...
Show the restJulia Lane
Institute Fellow
American Institutes for Research
Julia Lane is a senior managing economist and Institute Fellow at American Institute for Research, professor of economics, BETA University of Strasbourg CNRS, Chercheur, Observatoire des Sciences e...
Show the restLaurie Frick
Data Artist
Laurie Frick is a data artist exploring patterns of self-tracking….sensors, surveillance, what will it all mean? Using her background in engineering and high-technology she offers a glimpse into th...
Show the restMike Liebhold
Sr Researcher, Distinguished Fellow
Institute for the Future
As a senior researcher and distinguished fellow at IFTF, Mike researches and disseminates information about the technological underpinnings of tomorrow’s world, including the mobile web, immersive ...
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