People with Disabilities Can "Be There" Too

There's a question that needs to be answered. That question is "“How can the digital world help people with disabilities lead more fulfilling lives?” Together Erin Rapacki of Suitable Tech and Henry Evans, a Technology Activist living with quadriplegia, will come together to discuss the ultimate answer as well as the idea that technology often aims only to improve basic needs, but not overall well-being and quality of life for the people living with disabilities.
Via the Beam Smart Presence System, Henry will talk about how beaming into museums has allowed he and others who are home-bound with disabilities to visit places which would be otherwise impossible for them to travel to.
Join Henry and Erin as they take audience on a live tour of museums, and other locations, around the world.
Erin Rapacki
Dir of Mktg
Suitable Technologies
Erin a product storyteller with robotics experience across academia and industry, from both the Boston and Silicon Valley hotspots, with projects ranging from flexible logistics, supply chain, FDA ...
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Henry Evans
Robots for Humanity
At age 40, Henry Evans was left mute and quadriplegic after a stroke-like attack caused by a hidden birth defect. Years of therapy helped him learn to move his head and use a finger -- which allows...
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