Beyond the Bar Graph: Insights Over Info

Athletes have been collecting data for years and now almost every move can be tracked, stored and analyzed. Connected Fitness devices including smartphones have paved the road for this new always on movement and data collection is becoming easier, cheaper and more accessible. The most successful apps and devices have amassed an incredible amount of rich data, but often fail to present this data in meaningful, action-oriented ways to their users. What if sensors in your shoes could tell you when it’s time for a new pair? Or your half-marathon training plan interactively shifted based on real-time performance? In the booming connected fitness space, how can we build on this data to drive behavior changes and improve performance? This session will explore strategies underway to use digital tools to shift hard data into actionable programming that gets measurable results.
Christopher Glode
Under Armour Connected Fitness
As General Manager, Chris is responsible for the Consumer line of business within MapMyFitness including the MVP subscription, mobile purchases, and all digital and physical goods, as well as the U...
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