Content First: Practical Joke or Ideal Jumpstart?

From responsive design we went to mobile first and content first. Which sounds very nice, but does it actually work? It was time to put the mantra to the test - and take content first literally in a real project, in the first ContentScrum. Only this time our multidisciplinary team didn’t demo working code or even designs. In 3 days we developped content strategy, structure, text, photos and illustrations. The goal: to create a prototype and test whether the content works for users. Before we thought of visual design or interaction elements like a menu!
This session shares experiences and shows results. Is content first an ideal start or a nice quote? Do you need the client? Is a prototype of only content possibe? Is 3 days enough? For what sites does it work? And how could you do it?
A session for site owners looking to create sites that offer real value to visitors, for designers who want to know what they’re designing and for content creators who like to be involved from day one.
Martijn van der Heijden
Fabrique [brands design & interaction]
Martijn van der Heijden is a online strategist at the leading Dutch agency Fabrique [brands, design & interaction] which created the award-winning tablet-first website He’s an indus...
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