You Can't Sit with Us: Craft Beer Subculture

The spirit of craft beer was founded with the ideals of fraternity, community, and inclusion. The small craft beer movement has flourished into an industry that has infiltrated America, state by state, with a rising subculture brought together by online communities. Like many subcultures, it has developed elitist factions, and condescension and snobbery have pervaded web forums, social media, and the craft community at large. Through the veil of internet anonymity, an uprising of negativity has overtaken the culture, causing a shift in the attitudes and perception of craft beer. What was once a welcoming community is now often perceived as snobbish and closed to newcomers.
A panel of experts in the craft beer industry from writers to brewers discuss the evolving attitudes and the effects of elitism amongst craft beer lovers. Are the very people who enjoy craft beer the most destroying the culture?
Caroline Wallace
Writer/Co-Founder, Bitch Beer
Bitch Beer
Caroline Wallace is one of the co-founders of, an all female-run craft beer blog named as a tongue-in-cheek play on the sugary sweet beverages often marketed to women in place of ...
Show the restChristopher Sheppard
Craft Taste
Christopher Sheppard is a lifelong craft beer enthusiast, having been raised by cottage industry craft beer brewers. From an early age he learned the value of making an artisanal beer, with a focus...
Show the restJosh Hare
Hops & Grain Brewing
Josh Hare is the owner and brewer of Hops & Grain Brewing. Hailing from Abilene, Texas, with his formative years spent in Boulder, Colorado, Hare's background includes working in specialty retail, ...
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