Trendology: Capitalizing on RTM with Social Data

Real-time marketing is taking over the digital world. Over the last few years, savvy brands have discovered how to engage with a captive audience in real-time around high profile events like the Super Bowl, World Cup, or Grammy's. But let's face it, those events don't happen everyday. Today's marketing challenge lies in the ability to be relevant on a daily basis to an audience whose attention shifts every day and every hour. In fact, big brands that are taking a data-driven approach to leverage these daily trends can, on average, double their social engagement levels.
In this reading, Chris Kerns, author of the newly published Trendology and Spredfast's director of research and analytics, will share the value of real-time marketing across over 100 of the biggest global brands, define best practices for measuring success, and reveal how brands can incorporate real-time marketing into a daily win for more effective relationship building and customer engagement in social.