When Haters Show Up in Your Social Stream

We've all seen an argument or controversy unfold on social media…and breathed a sigh of relief knowing we aren't at the center of it. But what happens when you're the one in the line of fire, faced with tough critics on your social channels? It can be a lifelong friend who has a very different opinion of things or someone you've never heard of – understanding your options so you can weigh them carefully creates a toolbox to tap into in the heat of the moment.
Being prepared for potential controversy and developing a communications strategy are key to managing through a difficult online conversation. The Difference can mean keeping relationships in tact. Learn from someone who has managed through controversial subjects, and effectively built and maintained social relationships in spite of challenging conversations. The session will assist participants in determining determining a strategy to accomplish their online goals, and offer tips for a full range of social media activities.
Janice Person
Consumer Outreach
Monsanto Company
Janice Person has had a chance to learn about online criticism through both personal & profession engagement online on behalf of agriculture. She is a member of Monsanto’s corporate engagement team...
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